01206 574 011
3 The Avenue, Colchester, Essex, CO3 3PA

Nervous Patients

sedationA fear of the dentist is more common than you might think. In fact, around a quarter of us can feel nervous at the thought of a visit.

For other patients, however, this fear of the dentist can progress further becoming a very serious problem. As the date of your appointment gets closer this fear can become overwhelming, resulting in heart palpitations, sweating, shaking and even fainting.

At The Art of Dentistry we will do our utmost to help you to overcome your fears. Please talk to us before your visit and let us know of any way in which we can help you.

We can offer early appointments so you don’t have to worry all day or you are welcome to bring a friend or family member along with you – we don’t even mind if you’d rather stick some headphones on and listen to music!

Some patients like to have regular breaks during treatment or like to agree a ‘stop’ signal (perhaps a raised arm) which will indicate to us if you need a rest.


At the Art of Dentistry we have an on-site anaesthetist who can administer sedation if required. Intravenous sedation will allow you to relax and, although you will be awake and able to communicate with the Dentist, you won’t be fully aware of what is going on around you.

Rest assured that your sedation will be administered and monitored constantly by a trained professional anaesthetic doctor who works alongside your dentist ensuring the utmost safety.

Intravenous sedation can take a few hours to wear off so you will need to bring someone with you to help you get home and to look after you afterwards.