Have you lost or broken a tooth, filling or crown? Do you have pain in your tooth or gum? Have your braces broken and are in need of repair or re-attachment? If so you’ll want to be seen by a dentist quickly- particularly if you are in considerable pain.
We are pleased to provide a number of emergency appointments for our registered patients.
We are also able to treat non-registered patients who require emergency treatment. Please call in the morning to ensure the best chance of a same day appointment.
We do advise that you contact us as early as possible in the morning so that we can do our best to offer you an appointment.
Call us on 01206 574011.
Outside surgery hours and weekends please call between the hours of 09.00am and 11.00am to speak with one of our on-call clinical team:
NHS Emergency Helpline: 0161 337 22246
Practice Plan Helpline: 0808 169 8117
In some emergency cases, there are ways in which you can temporarily relieve any discomfort and help to protect the tooth- whilst waiting for your appointment.
Toothache – Take painkillers regularly to help relieve the pain. It is possible to alternate paracetamol and ibuprofen if required. (Remember to read instruction and advice labels on any medication before taking). Rubbing oil of clove on your gum can also help relieve toothache.
Lost filling – A lost filling can be replaced temporarily by inserting a little sugar free gum into the cavity. Gently biting down and grinding should push the gum down into the tooth. Avoid eating or drinking on the tooth and visit us as the earliest opportunity.
Lost crown – If your crown is in one piece it can be re-attached by using a small piece of sugar free gum to hold it in place. Make sure that it is in correctly, then bite down gently to hold it in place and level it. If your crown is broken or lost then cover your tooth in the same way as a lost filling- above- and visit us as soon as possible for a replacement.
Denture adhesives and crown cement can be purchased from most pharmacies. You should never re-attached a crown or filling with superglue.
Baby tooth – It is quite common for a baby tooth to be lost earlier than expected. This is not generally considered an emergency. Never attempt to re-implant or re-attach a baby tooth as this could damage the gum and adult tooth underneath.
If they are in pain then a child dose painkiller can be used. Ice lollies or a cold compress can help relieve pain and swelling. If you have any concerns at all please call or visit us.
Permanent child or Adult tooth – The loss of a permanent tooth is quite common and will often be caused by contact sports, accidents, hard foods, fights and falls.
It is usually possible to replace an adult tooth- but it’s important to follow the steps below for the best chances of success.
Collect all the pieces of tooth and store them in milk or saliva as detailed above. Don’t attempt to re-insert or re-attach them.
Rinse your mouth with warm water and visit us as soon as possible.
We are able to offer a wide range of treatments at The Art of Dentistry, all carried out by our experienced team.
© The Art of Dentistry, 3 The Avenue, Colchester, Essex, CO3 3PA | Site last updated: March 2025
Tel: 01206 574 011 E-Mail: reception@theartofdentistry.co.uk
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